1st Annual Running is a Work of Art
4 mile Run/Walk
Chip Timing by Competitive Timing
When: Sunday, July 21, 2013 at 9:00 a.m.
Who: Anaconda
Running Club
Where: Washoe
Park Trout Hatchery,
West Pennsylvania Ave, Anaconda, MT 59711
Race Information: Running
is a Work of Art is a fundraiser held in conjunction with the annual Art in
Washoe Park festival to raise funds for the local cross country program and
other youth programs in the area, while developing an appreciation of the arts
through visual, auditory, and physical representation.
Entry Fees: $25
entry fee includes a $5 coupon which may be used for entry into Art in Washoe
Park festival or may be used at the food court. The first 150 entrants will
also receive a “Running is a Work of Art” commemorative 16 ounce mug.
Registration and
Packet Pick-up Information: Entry forms are
available at: Goosetown Health Club, Beyond Necessity Gifts, Copper Village Art
Museum Gift Shop, Art in the Park (Gates 3-4), or 7:30 am to 8:30 am at the
Hatchery on race day.
Course Description: Race
starts at Washoe Park Trout Hatchery and continues east past the Charlotte
Yeoman Softball fields, then follows the Old Works walking path, and ends at
the Washoe Park baseball field. Parking in the Art in the Park parking lot will
have your vehicle conveniently located at both the beginning and end of the
Awards: Awards
will be given to the top winners in each age bracket. In addition each runner
will receive a ticket for a prize drawing in their race packet. Drawing for
prizes will take place at approx. 10:30 a.m.
Return Entry Form and
make checks payable to: Anaconda Running Club.
form to Anaconda Running Club table at Gate 3 or 4 (by the swimming pool or
tennis courts) on
or Saturday during Art in the Park, or bring it with you on race day. Early
registration can be mailed to Shannon Matosich, 715 Hickory St. Anaconda, MT
59711. For questions call (406)560-1850
or email matosich87@gmail.com.
Post race entertainment :
Music, food, arts and crafts and much more. Find out all that Art in the Park
has to offer at: http://southwestmt.com/listings/9006.htm